Nose Filling

Nose Filling

What is Nose Filling?

Nasal filling is an aesthetic procedure used to correct deformities in the nose. It is also known as non-surgical Rhinoplasty in medical science with another name. Nasal filling, in which material such as hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin of the nose, performed with a needle.With Antalya nose filling, deformities that disrupt the symmetrical appearance of the nose structure and deformations in the nasal arch are corrected. In addition to being an aesthetic procedure, nasal filling is also a painless and painless aesthetic procedure, although it is not a surgical operation. Although nasal filling is a temporary aesthetic method, the results can be seen in the shortest time after it is applied. The person can return to his daily life as soon as possible after the nose filling and can continue. In the application of nasal filling, which does not require a surgical operation, extremely healthy results have been obtained in terms of aesthetics, especially in recent years.

How is Nose Filling Applied?

Before the Antalya nose filling procedure, the person is examined in detail. Considering the conditions determined by the doctor and the wishes of the person, the aesthetic application of the nose filling is decided. Before the rhinoplasty procedure, the areas to be filled are determined and the areas to be filled are planned accordingly. Before the application of nasal filling, anesthetic cream is applied to the area to be filled and numbness is ensured in the area. In this way, the feeling of pain that the person will feel is prevented. Nose filling is applied by injecting hyaluronic acid (mostly) with the help of a needle into the areas determined with the filler. There may be slight redness and swelling after nasal filling. Although this is quite normal, it is a short-term and temporary situation. Nose filling aesthetics; It is an aesthetic application that is suitable for people who do not want to be operated with the surgical method, the results of which can be obtained in a short time, and it is an aesthetic procedure that does not require major changes in the structure of the nose and can easily achieve an aesthetic appearance with the filling process.

Things to Consider After Nose Filling

There are some conditions that the person must comply with in order for the procedure to be more permanent and healthy after the nose filling. The nose should not be touched immediately after nasal filling aesthetics. It is necessary to avoid heavy movements and activities, especially in the first few days. It is necessary to avoid contact with hot water within the specified period after the filling process. Avoid exposure to sunlight and creams with a high protection factor should be used.

It is very important to comply with your doctor's recommendations and not to delay appointments for a successful result of nasal filling.

How Long Is Nose Filling Permanent?

Nose filler, since it is a non-surgical procedure, it is a temporary method. Permanence rate in the aesthetic application of nasal filling is mostly around 12-18 months. Permanence of nasal filling varies depending on many factors. The duration of permanence varies from person to person, depending on the nature and quality of the filling material used during the application, the expertise of the doctor performing the application, the nature of the clinic where the application is made, and the person's self-care skills. After the filling made during the application melts, the nasal filling should be repeated. Since Antalya nose filling is not a permanent form of treatment, the person can easily give up the procedure at the point where he is not satisfied with the appearance of the nose.

To Whom Is Nose Filling Application Applied?

Nose filling can be applied to any adult person over the age of 18. If the person has a nose- shaped arch image, curvature or low nasal tip, nose filling is a highly preferred aesthetic procedure in such cases.

People who want to have nose filling mostly prefer this aesthetic procedure because they do not want a surgical operation. Nasal filling can also be done in order to correct the appearance of deformity in the nose after some rhinoplasty surgeries.

When nasal filling is applied to those who do not want surgery and who have a nose structure that can be corrected by filling process, very healthy and aesthetically pleasing results are obtained.

What are the Advantages of Nose Filling?

Nose filling gives positive results at the point of making the protrusions, called arched nose structure, less prominent. However, nasal filling can be used in the areas of removing the asymmetrical image that appears especially prominently, clarifying the nasal lines, shading the nasal tip, in the nose tip lifting process, making the nose tip more rounded, and softening the nasal lines. Aesthetic differences emerge with the shaping of the nose accompanied by such small aesthetic applications.

Antalya rhinoplasty takes about 15-20 minutes. However, Rhinoplasty surgery takes between 2 and 4 hours on average. While nasal filling does not require a surgical procedure, rhinoplasty is an operation performed with traditional methods.

What are the Advantages of Nose Filling?

Nose filling gives positive results at the point of making the protrusions, called arched nose structure, less prominent. However, nasal filling can be used in the areas of removing the asymmetrical image that appears especially prominently, clarifying the nasal lines, shading the nasal tip, in the nose tip lifting process, making the nose tip more rounded, and softening the nasal lines. Aesthetic differences emerge with the shaping of the nose accompanied by such small aesthetic applications.

There is no need for general anesthesia as in surgery in the aesthetic application of nasal filling. It is sufficient to use the cream with anesthetic properties.

While the results are obtained quickly in the nose filling; In rhinoplasty surgery, the recovery period of the person takes longer than this period. After filling aesthetics, the person can immediately return to his daily life and business life. In rhinoplasty, it is possible to return to work life that does not require heavy work after about one week. In Antalya nose filling process, if the results are not satisfied due to the filling material or if the aesthetic appearance is not satisfied, the filling can melt. Thus, the shape of the nose is restored.

Risks of Nose Filling

Nasal filling application is an aesthetic application with very few risks and complication rates. In this process, after the application; Side effects may occur due to swelling, edema, redness, bleeding or vascular occlusion. However, although these side effects are extremely common, they are short-lived and temporary.

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