What is Mesotherapy? In Which Situations Is It Applied?

What is Mesotherapy? In Which Situations Is It Applied?

What is Mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy; It is a restorative application made with the technique of injecting vitamins and minerals into the skin in order to eliminate the effects of aging in case of aging on the skin. Over time, it can be applied to every person who is not satisfied with the symptoms such as wrinkles and sagging on the skin of the people due to aging, and to every person who has problems with hair loss. The skin can produce the components it needs up to an age limit by itself. However, after advancing age, the skin cannot produce these components as before, and various deformed appearances occur on the skin. With mesotherapy, the skin cells are renewed and the regenerative properties of the protein components under the skin are revealed and the skin is renewed.

Mesotherapy slows down the effects of all these processes and the aging of the skin. At the same time, mesotherapy, which is a dermatological regeneration method that accelerates the regeneration of the skin; It is mostly applied by injecting into the lower part of the skin.

Today, the most frequently used techniques are local anesthetic use and microinjection techniques. Mesotherapy; It is also applied in various ways, including facial mesotherapy (mesolift) and hair mesotherapy. In the mesolifting process, it is ensured that the tissue in the upper and lower layers of the skin renews itself with the natural components made by injecting into the skin. In hair mesotherapy, the hair follicles are regenerated and the unhealthy hair structure is repaired by re-feeding the hair follicles. Son yıllarda mezoterapi etkili bir estetik yöntem olarak büyük bir oranda tercih edilmektedir.

How is Mesotherapy Applied?

Before mesotherapy, the skin should be cleaned and prepared for the procedure. Local anesthetic cream is applied to prevent any pain during the procedure. Medicines that regenerate the skin are injected into the area to be treated with needles. By injecting mixtures that vary according to each person, the collagen-making capacity of the skin is increased. Mesotherapy sessions are applied in the periods that people need, and they are usually applied in 3 or 6 sessions.

The application of mesotherapy process takes about 15 minutes. After the session, the person can return to her daily life in a short time. It is not considered appropriate to administer mesoretapin in pregnant women, those who are breastfeeding, people who are in the treatment of diabetes and cancer, and those who have allergies due to various components in its content.

Mild pain may be observed after mesotherapy, but this regenerative application is mostly a painless application. After mesotherapy, the application area should not be washed for 1 day and should not be exposed to sunlight after the application. The price ranges in the mesotherapy process vary according to the treatment areas to be applied, the needs of the people, the quality of the clinic where the application is made and the expertise of the doctor.

Areas Where Mesotherapy is Effective

Mesotherapy is an application that provides benefits in many areas. Mezoterapinin sıkça uygulandığı alanlar şu şekildedir:

  • Aging effects
  • Wrinkles and sagging
  • Spot treatments
  • Cracks in the skin
  • Cellulite
  • Regional lubrication
  • Sagging due to weight loss
  • Sports related injuries
  • Hair loss
  • Allergies
  • Acute and chronic pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Various skin diseases
  • Scars
  • Chronic pain